

Children’s Novels and Carol Birds

In my post, The Spark, I told you I was updating my first children’s novel, The Angels of Abbey Creek. I was revising the words and, with AI’s help, generating a new

The Short Cup

We give our daughters our Aldi pod coffee machine when they leave home. “We’ll treat ourselves to a new one,” we say, not realising there isn’t a single Aldi coffee machine for

One Molecule at a Time

I ask, “Watch the movie or read the book? Which one do you prefer doing first?” Imogen replies without hesitating, “Read the book.” Then she adds, “Unless the book is based on

The Spark

I gave up crying, petitioning, begging, “What am I meant to do?” Exhausted by the struggle, I stopped fighting, rolled on my back and rode the waves, content to go wherever the

The Woman Chain

Just over a year ago, I was in a dark place. The world had returned to normal after covid, but I was finding it hard to shrug off the effects of being

True Love

I was attracted to the novel The Hundred Loves of Juliet when I realised it was a Romeo and Juliet book: After a bad breakup, Helene Janssen runs away to Alaska to find some peace

Silence and Slow

The other day, I listened to a podcast conversation between Fr Mike Schmitz and Matt Fradd. Matt said something like, “I’ve been telling people I went to Sydney to give some talks,

Waiting and Creating

“If art doesn’t make us better,” Alice Walker said, “what on earth is it for?” I found these words in Claire Cook’s book, Life Glows On. My sister, Barbie, gave me this

Delightfully Slow

The other day, my husband, Andy, and I offered to pick up my mother, who’d been away on holiday, from the train station and take her and her heavy luggage home. Arriving

Getting Older, Feeling Lost

Gabrielle is having a crisis: she’s lost her top notes. How will she resume her career as a famous opera singer if her voice isn’t what it used to be? What will


This morning, I inhaled the scent of summer, even though we’re barely into spring and our recent temperatures have been rib-shivering winter-cold. As I left our house, and turned towards the bush

Love Unchanging

At 7:20 am every Sunday, we file through our front door, open and slam car doors, buckle seat belts and ignite cold engines that have been idle overnight. We drive, two cars

Love Blooms

Early on Mother’s Day morning, when I turned on the living room light, a magnificent bouquet of flowers appeared out of the dark. I wondered who had arranged the flowers and left

Fashion Selfie

A few days ago, I tore off the wrappings of a Mother’s Day parcel to reveal a gorgeous green cardigan crocheted by my daughter Imogen. With a grin, I held it up
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About Me

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Hi, I’m Sue Elvis!

I'm an Australian author and blogger.

I’m writing the stories of my life, searching for meaning and hidden delights.

I have lots of questions I want to explore such as:

Are we more than mothers and wives?

What do we do when our kids grow and no longer need us?

How do we age gracefully and keep our sparkle?

Can I really let go of my unschooling blog?

Will anyone read my Carol Bird posts?

Will we become friends?

Will we encourage and help each other to become the people God created us to be?

As well as pondering the big questions of life, I love sharing books, creative ideas and anything else that comes into my Catholic mind!

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Ashamed of Being Ashamed of Looking Older

The other day, while I was browsing the shelves in our local library, a book title jumped out at me: Why Time Goes Faster as We Get Older.  Yes, time is definitely speeding up as I age. When I was a child, a day

The Biscuit

The man drops his hard-backed novel onto the table next to ours,

My children’s novels

My unschooling books

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