Life - Page 2


Coffee Hands

July 16, 2020
When Sophie returns to the car after going to her physiotherapy appointment, she suggests we have lunch together, instead of driving straight home. A few minutes later, we’re sanitising our hands at

The Last Laugh

July 15, 2020
Sitting on the sofa under my soft fleecy blanket, safe in my bubble, I read the latest news and discover that a second wave of covid-19 is about to hit our state.

The Bush Rustles

July 7, 2020
Quinn and I are meandering down the main fire trail when the bush rustles. I freeze and tighten the dog’s leash. My eyes follow a fast-moving wave of sound that explodes into

A Different Person

June 20, 2020
I have a diamond. Just one. It sits alone on top of the gold of my engagement ring. The other day, I turned my diamond, this way and that, in a stream


May 15, 2020
Each week, since the pandemic closed our churches, we’ve been able to attend our parish’s Sunday Mass online. On our devices and TVs, we can see our priest standing in front of

Zero Birthday

May 4, 2020
My daughter Imogen and I are standing in front of the birthday candle display in the supermarket. “Which ones would you like, Mum?” I look at the boxes that each contain 12 candles,

X Memories

May 2, 2020
My fingers hop over my keyboard, tapping out ‘words beginning with x’. A few seconds later, I’m scrolling through a long list. “Did you know there are lots of words starting with


April 28, 2020
The phone rings and when I answer it, love rushes down the line. It hits my ear and then travels to my heart. ”Hey, Mum!” says my son Callum. “How are you?”


April 27, 2020
After dinner, I settle on the sofa, and Quinn clambers up beside me, putting her big heavy paws on my lap. My girls take their seats. So does my husband Andy. Then


April 26, 2020
This morning, as I was driving into town, I noticed that the trees that border the main road are shrugging off their autumn leaves, exposing their winter bones. Time is marching on.

Saturday Snapshot

April 25, 2020
As I stand in our back garden, hanging the clothes on the washing line, I listen to the laughter drifting out of our family room window. My girls are rearranging furniture, spreading


April 22, 2020
Imogen hunts through the top drawer of the tall chest that stands in the hall by our front door, looking for our hymn books. She finds the old red Living Parish books, held together


April 21, 2020
Quinn bounces at my heels, her leash trailing behind her. She’s grinning. She can’t wait for me to find my shoes. We’re going for a walk through the bush. “Shall I come

My children’s novels

My unschooling books

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