Life - Page 3


Out of Bounds

April 18, 2020
When I emerge from the cafe holding two coffee cups, I discover my husband Andy standing on his regulation isolation spot, chatting to a socially distant mother and her three young children.

Not Always What They Seem

April 16, 2020
Nora pulls me along the side of our house, under the melaleuca trees, straight towards our garden gate. I stand on tiptoe and lift the latch, and the dog pushes ahead, barely


April 14, 2020
Andy grabs the car keys off the hook in the kitchen and says, “I’m taking Gemma-Rose to work.” “Can I come with you?” I ask. “I need to get out of the


April 13, 2020
I get up early and, without bothering to get dressed, I start writing.  At 10 am, I am still sitting on the sofa, snuggled under my blanket, tapping away at my keyboard. My


April 11, 2020
Yesterday, my husband Andy said, “What shall we do for Good Friday?” and I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I don’t know. Say some prayers? Read the readings?” “Do you want to


April 10, 2020
It’s the second Monday in June. The queen says (in her very posh voice), “Chef, please bake me a cake! It’s my birthday in Australia today.” Some weeks later, the queen says


April 9, 2020
The world is outside. I’m inside. I’m under the trees, running along familiar tracks. There are no restrictions and rules. The birds don’t yell, “Back away! Remember: 1.5 metres apart!” There’s no

Green Flower Dress

April 8, 2020
Just before the world turned strange, on the day that my Godson married his bride, I wore a new green flower print dress. The next day, I received an email from my


April 7, 2020
I feel so sad that people are dying alone,” I say to Imogen. “The coronavirus restrictions aren’t compassionate. Everyone deserves to have their loved ones with them when they’re dying.” I hope

Eggs on the Doorstep

April 6, 2020
A few years ago, when my youngest daughters were little girls, I discovered a box of eggs on our doorstep. I told a friend about the eggs, and she said, “Where did

Daylight Saving

April 5, 2020
During the early hours of this morning, while we were fast asleep, time shifted. Unaware, secure in our beds, we were thrust back an hour. Daylight saving ended. Nora will not be

Corona Eyebrows

April 4, 2020
After dinner on Wednesday, March 25, I slipped out of the house and made my way to our village. I was on a clandestine mission. Would anyone see me? Would I return


April 3, 2020
On the top shelf of the fridge in the supermarket sits a small stubby caramel pot: cacao and dates, lactose-free. When I stumble through the front door with fat shopping bags dangling from


April 2, 2020
How can I feel alone in a crowd of shoppers? It’s easy when we have to stay 1.5 metres apart. When we have to stand on our crosses. Remain behind the line.

My children’s novels

My unschooling books

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