
December 11, 2024

The other day, after my husband had washed the dinner dishes, I returned to the kitchen and discovered everything was clean and tidy except for the sink. A pile of rice from the dirty plates was blocking the drain hole.

My first inclination was to march off to Andy and complain: “Couldn’t you have rinsed the rice from the sink?” Couldn’t he have done the job properly?

Then, a radical thought popped into my mind:

Andy and I are useless on our own, but together, we’ve got everything covered.

I scooped the rice from the sink and turned on the cold tap. A moment later, the washing-up job was complete. And I was grateful that, unlike Andy’s contribution, mine had taken only a minute.

Andy and I are a fabulous team. We pick up after one another and finish each other’s chores.

We complement each other.

I’ve been tossing that thought around my mind for a while now. I rather like it. Do you?




  1. So fun! Is it a husband thing, to not clean the drain after washing up? It made me laugh, because it`s the same at our house.
    I admire your solution to my problem – when asking and reminding doesn`t work, simply realize that you two are a great team and that it`s ok to help each other.
    I hope, I`ll be able to remember it the next time.

    • Luana,

      Oh yes, asking and reminding often doesn’t work. It’s easier and quicker to clean the drain ourselves, isn’t it? And just be grateful that our husbands did practically all of the washing up job for us!

      I also have to remember the times when Andy steps in and helps me. I frequently leave my tea cup by the sink before going to bed, too tired to wash and dry it. Andy always does that job for me. I agree: we’re a good team!

  2. I love this story. Often times my husband will help me with something and I really appreciate it not as much as I should, I need to do better on that. But I really appreciate it because he is a very busy business owner and he doesn’t have a lot of spare time though he makes his family a priority. And it would be easy for me to critique and say oh why didn’t you do this this way or why didn’t you do that or why didn’t you clean up after yourself better. But then I think well he could have left his dish where he was eating in the family room rather than carrying his tray in and sitting on the counter, yeah ultimately I’m the one who maybe had to put it in the sink but I’m glad that he at least brought it into the kitchen for me. I suffer with fibromyalgia and my husband has been in tears about my condition and has often helped to move things that I could not do myself. We are a great team.

    • Nancy,

      Our husbands are alike. Andy also doesn’t have much spare time. After a full day of school, he spends his evenings marking his students’ work and planning lessons. But, like your husband, he is thoughtful and will help me. I don’t have trouble moving things like you, but I’m often very tired in the evening, so I appreciate Andy doing such things as washing the dishes and making sure the kitchen is clean before he goes to bed. A great team? Yes!

  3. For sure you better believe it. Honestly the evenings are my hardest and worst time. So glad we both have husbands who are such blessings!

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