Fashion Selfie

May 23, 2023

A few days ago, I tore off the wrappings of a Mother’s Day parcel to reveal a gorgeous green cardigan crocheted by my daughter Imogen. With a grin, I held it up to my chin and said, “It’ll look perfect with my green and pink Karma East dress!”

I told Kat from Karma East about my cardigan while I was messaging her about something else:

btw, I’m wearing a Mabel dress in the peony print today. It goes perfectly with a green mottled cardigan that my daughter crocheted for me for Mother’s Day!

And Kat kindly said she’d love to see a photo of my new favourite outfit.

So yesterday morning, I headed into our front garden with a tripod, phone and a nifty little remote shutter to take a few fashion selfies. I clicked as I smiled and turned this way and that.

I discovered a few things while taking photos of myself:

✪ It’s cold outside on an almost-winter morning. It’s just as well someone special gave me an extra thick cardigan to keep me warm.

✪ It’s difficult to smile naturally when I’m alone with my phone.

✪ Taking photos of myself is harder work than taking photos of my family. But it’s necessary now that I’m writing about my life instead of telling unschooling stories about my kids. When something is necessary, we learn how to do it, don’t we?

Perhaps I should research ‘how to take good self portraits’. I’m sure I saw some Skillshare classes on this topic.

Or maybe I should learn how to pose properly to show off a beautiful dress.

I could learn how to walk like a model and make fun fashion reels. Imagine that! That’s something I would never have considered doing a few years ago. I suspect I’m getting brave.

I could definitely learn how to take better iPhone photos.

So, how do you feel when you’re in front of the camera instead of behind it? Are you comfortable taking selfies and posting them in public? Are you brave?

What new things are you learning at the moment? Perhaps you’ve been exploring Skillshare like me. (You can sign up for a free month of Skillshare if you’d like to find out what this site has to offer.)

And do you like dresses with pockets? My green and pink Mabel dress has big pockets. I slip my phone into one and my reading glasses into the other. Perfect!

If you’d like your own Mabel dress, here are a few that are available from Karma East:

Which dress do you like best? My choice is the first one, the Bird of Paradise print.

Btw, I don’t have a sponsorship deal with Karma East. I’m sharing their links only because I like their clothes!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Clothes can bring us joy, can’t they? They’re not just about warmth. They affect how we feel.

And they can reflect love. My daughter crocheted her love into every stitch of my gorgeous green cardigan.


  1. I LOVE your dress and your cardigan!! Dresses with pockets are terrific! It is definitely tough to be in front of the camera rather than behind it. You are brave 🙂

    • Staci,

      Thank you! Every outfit should have a big pocket. Is there such thing as an attachable pocket that could be moved from dress to dress? That would be a fabulous invention.

      Years ago, I gathered my courage and starting vlogging. I got used to speaking to the camera. But selfie photos feel different. Maybe that’s because they capture an instant of our life which has to be perfect. It’s so much easier to portray ourselves satisfactorily when we’re moving and changing expression, isn’t it?

  2. You look so lovely! Your dress and cardigan are a perfect match! I`m impressed about Imogens skill, it looks so beautiful.

    • Luana,
      Thank you!

      Oh yes, Imogen is a very talented crocheter. She started crocheting only about a year ago and her first project was an easy granny square blanket. Now she’s crocheting beautiful clothes. Imogen is going to make me a blue cardigan, the same as the green one, but I have to wait until she finishes a jumper for Andy for his birthday. He’s going to be very surprised. It’s 40 years since anyone handmade him a jumper!

  3. I love your dress. And I love the beautiful crocheted sweater from Imogen. The two together look amazing on you. Absolutely lovely. I love things that are homemade!

    • Nancy,

      Oh yes, homemade things are very special, aren’t they? I appreciated Imogen crocheting the cardigan for me. She’s made me lots of things: cardigans, scarfs, gloves, and bags. Do you crochet? Or knit?

      Thank you for your kind words! 🩵

      • I’m not crafty at all.🤪 But back several years ago before the pandemic I took a knitting class because I always wanted to learn how to knit. And I was able to make both of my daughters pretty warm headbands, and two wash clothes that I use all the time.. But in 2016 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia from a car accident that I was in in 2015 and the more the class went on and the longer I knitted the more pain my hands were in to the point where I couldn’t do it anymore so I had to give up knitting. Always made me sad. Unfortunately the fibromyalgia can be very debilitating for me all depending on the day of the week, LOL . But I love to see crafty things and that’s just wonderful what wonderful Treasures your daughter has given you!

        • Nancy,

          I’m so sorry to hear you have fibromyalgia. One of my daughters has it too. Yes, it’s debilitating. I love how other people’s crafty creations bring you joy. You are right: I treasure the things Imogen has made for me! Sending much love xxx

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