Love Blooms

May 25, 2023

Early on Mother’s Day morning, when I turned on the living room light, a magnificent bouquet of flowers appeared out of the dark.

I wondered who had arranged the flowers and left them on the coffee table beside my favourite sofa seat. Who had ensured this was the first thing I saw on Mother’s Day?

Later, my youngest daughter, Gemma-Rose, grinned as she told me how she’d bought the flowers and left them in the car when she arrived home from work. Then later in the evening, fearing the flowers were beginning to wilt without water, she’d said, “Mum, why don’t you go put on your pyjamas? Then you can relax snuggled up under a blanket on the sofa while you watch a video.”

So I headed to my bedroom to change my clothes, and as soon as the door closed behind me, Gemma-Rose dashed out to her car to retrieve the flowers. She grabbed a vase from the kitchen and ran to her room before I could discover her secret. Then after I’d gone to bed, Gemma-Rose arranged the flowers in the first place I visit when I get up each morning.

I love flowers. My girls often come home with bunches of beautiful blooms for me. And sometimes I buy flowers for myself.

I used to think cut flowers were a waste of money because they don’t last long. But now I appreciate the beauty they bring to our home. They are a delight, a joy. They’re even more special because, like autumn leaves and a rare sprinkling of snow, they don’t last long.

Flowers represent love at weddings, funerals and Mass. We buy them for people when they’re sick or to celebrate births. They’re associated with birthdays and Valentine’s Day and, of course, Mother’s Day too.

My flowers are gifts of love.

They are my love blooms.

Something Beautiful

Pottery for the Planet

Not so long ago, I started collecting pottery vases after seeing some very attractive ones on the Pottery for the Planet website. I found a local supplier, and now and then, I pop into their shop to chose a new mini vase. They’re the perfect size for a flower or two or a twig or sprig of leaves.

One day, I’d like to own a bigger pottery vase, perhaps a Roman, Retro, Tower, Bouquet or Bulb vase.

Shall we chat?

Do you buy yourself flowers? What is your favourite kind? I like lots of different ones, but natives like proteas are the ones I love best.

Years ago, we had some proteas in our front garden near our living room window. On rainy days, I’d watch the birds sipping the water that gathered in the flowers. Little waterfalls would spill over the edges of the protea petals. It was magical!

Are you good at arranging flowers? I’m hopeless. I cram my flowers into a vase and hope they look good. I could learn how to do things properly by completing a Skillshare flower arranging class. Maybe I’ll take a look!

Protea photo by Jelle de Gier on Unsplash


  1. Those flowers are beautiful! Over the years I have also learned to enjoy buying flowers here and there. And in the spring we have some flowers in the garden and my kids love arranging them. Flowers always cheer up a room. So lovely, that you woke up to a flower-surprise

  2. Luana,

    The roses in the pink vase are from my mother’s garden. She loves roses and has a collection of David Austin ones.

    It must be lovely having spring flowers in your garden that you can cut and bring inside to enjoy. I’m not a good gardener. Most of our garden plants are native bushes and trees that look after themselves.

    Flower surprises make me smile!

  3. What a lovely little story, Sue. It is good to be here in this nice place you’ve created.

    Wild flowers are one of my favorite. Every year I think it would be nice to plant some along the woods behind our deck. Maybe this year. I also love to clip the hydrangeas that grow behind the deck in summertime and bring them in to set up on the windowsill where dishes are washed. They look so pretty against the backdrop of the white sill, red deck and lush green woods. I marvel.

    • Michelle,

      You have a woods behind your house? That sounds perfect. It’s lovely to live close to nature, isn’t it? Except, of course, when there’s a bushfire burning over the back fence!

      This morning, while walking the dogs through the bush, I noticed another species of wattle is beginning to flower. All through the year, different wattles keep making an appearance. They’re one of my favourite native flowers.

      My favourite garden flower is my hydrangea bush. It’s looking magnificent at the moment. Fortunately, it seems to thrive with little attention from me. I’m not a good gardener!

      So good to chat! xx

  4. I love the flower surprise, Sue! Love blooms indeed 🙂 We are not good about giving flowers but we always do when the kids are in ballet performances and then the kitchen table looks like a beautiful greenhouse of bouquets! They are gorgeous to see and even a single bud brings love into the room. Thank you for the post!

    • Staci,

      I love how you give your kids flowers when they’re in ballet performances. How special! We used to do something similar after music exams. All achievements are worth celebrating, aren’t they? Flowers add joy. And they bring love into the room, as you said! 💛

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