Green Flower Dress

April 8, 2020

Just before the world turned strange, on the day that my Godson married his bride, I wore a new green flower print dress.

The next day, I received an email from my friend J who’d also been at the wedding.

You looked stunning in your green dress yesterday. You really stood out to my eye.

After reading those words, I grinned. I hadn’t looked merely nice or lovely or even beautiful. I’d looked stunning!

I shouted, “Hey girls, guess what J said in her email. She said I looked stunning in my new green flowered dress!”

“Of course, you did, Mum.” They didn’t seem surprised. “Green suits you. It’s goes well with your hair.”

Since the wedding, green has become my favourite colour. It’s my colour. It makes me feel good. Just thinking about it, makes me smile. Actually, I’m wearing a green dress right at this moment. Can you tell?

I’ve just thought of something: I read that it’s not wise to compliment each other’s appearance. And I can see why.

Years ago, I attended a women’s weekend gathering. As each person arrived, we all hugged one another and said, “It’s so lovely to see you!” Some people added, “Wow, you look good!”(Were they surprised?) And one women said (a few times), “You’ve lost weight!” (Did some of her friends look fat before?)

Oh yes, remarking on someone’s appearance can be dangerous. Could it also be damaging?

Does it matter what we look like? Are green flowered dresses important in the big scheme of things? Are there better things to be rather than stunning?




But I don’t care. A friend looked at me properly with kind eyes. She took the time to compliment me. She made me grin.

I love my green flower print dress that I wore to my Godson’s wedding. But much more importantly, I love my dear friend who made me feel stunning.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


    • Caitlynne,

      Yes, it’s important to look with kind eyes, isn’t it? I get the feeling you don’t have any trouble doing that. Thank you for reading my story. May God bless you!

      • Oh, Sue, it’s a mighty struggle alright; looking with kind eyes is more an afterthought than it is part of my nature!
        It’s posts like yours that remind me of the need to love and to share that love.
        So, thank you !

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