

Mother Joy

We ordered egg and bacon rolls and coffee for six – Andy and I and four of our grown-up kids – then took our food to the empty food court – the


A parcel from my favourite clothes shop – Karma East – drops in my letterbox. Tearing it open, I reveal a print fabric bag that conceals a vibrant dress that delights my

The Wise and Sparkly Older Gang

Do you ever get concerned about ageing? Do you slather on the anti-wrinkle creams, hoping to preserve your youthful appearance? Perhaps you choose and edit your photos with care, accepting only those

Reinventing Ourselves

When I was younger, I often came home from social gatherings and replayed conversations in my head. Did I talk too much? Had I sounded silly? I’d wish I could go back

The Biscuit

The man drops his hard-backed novel onto the table next to ours, unzips his jacket and pulls out his arms. Noticing his inside-out shirt, he strides with legs slightly wide to the


On the fourth last day of autumn, I think: what am I going to do today? Stay inside away from the chilly wind and continue proofreading my third Angels novel? Every time

All Over Again

On the second last day of the year Gemma-Rose invites Andy and me to have breakfast with her. We drive into town to a favourite cafe where, after scanning the QR code

The Dawn Tree

My daughter Imogen pushes the large cardboard box marked Christmas decorations, across the carpet towards the naked tree. Charlotte and Gemma-Rose appear, and the three girls take turns dipping into the box.

The Call

As the sun is rising on this cool spring Saturday morning, I hear the carol bird calling. Whoop! Whoop! The notes cut through the air, insistent, demanding attention. My heart listens, and

Impossible Hope

When I was a child, my grandmother – the maternal one – arrived from England for a visit. And when she left, inside her suitcase, sandwiched between her dresses and nighties was

Our Two Weddings

Many years ago, on a wet Friday afternoon, I waited with several other white-dressed brides in the foyer of a registry office, for the moment when a few words and a legal

The Final Word

As Kerri fastens a voluptuous black cape around my neck, she tells me that I’m her first client since she returned from maternity leave. I feel fortunate. I like my hairdresser, and

Coffee Hands

When Sophie returns to the car after going to her physiotherapy appointment, she suggests we have lunch together, instead of driving straight home. A few minutes later, we’re sanitising our hands at

The Last Laugh

Sitting on the sofa under my soft fleecy blanket, safe in my bubble, I read the latest news and discover that a second wave of covid-19 is about to hit our state.
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About Me

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Hi, I’m Sue Elvis!

I'm an Australian author and blogger.

I’m writing the stories of my life, searching for meaning and hidden delights.

I have lots of questions I want to explore such as:

Are we more than mothers and wives?

What do we do when our kids grow and no longer need us?

How do we age gracefully and keep our sparkle?

Can I really let go of my unschooling blog?

Will anyone read my Carol Bird posts?

Will we become friends?

Will we encourage and help each other to become the people God created us to be?

As well as pondering the big questions of life, I love sharing books, creative ideas and anything else that comes into my Catholic mind!

My children’s novels

My unschooling books

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