

Green Flower Dress

Just before the world turned strange, on the day that my Godson married his bride, I wore a new green flower print dress. The next day, I received an email from my


I feel so sad that people are dying alone,” I say to Imogen. “The coronavirus restrictions aren’t compassionate. Everyone deserves to have their loved ones with them when they’re dying.” I hope

Eggs on the Doorstep

A few years ago, when my youngest daughters were little girls, I discovered a box of eggs on our doorstep. I told a friend about the eggs, and she said, “Where did

Daylight Saving

During the early hours of this morning, while we were fast asleep, time shifted. Unaware, secure in our beds, we were thrust back an hour. Daylight saving ended. Nora will not be

Corona Eyebrows

After dinner on Wednesday, March 25, I slipped out of the house and made my way to our village. I was on a clandestine mission. Would anyone see me? Would I return


On the top shelf of the fridge in the supermarket sits a small stubby caramel pot: cacao and dates, lactose-free. When I stumble through the front door with fat shopping bags dangling from


How can I feel alone in a crowd of shoppers? It’s easy when we have to stay 1.5 metres apart. When we have to stand on our crosses. Remain behind the line.

Where the Carol Birds Sing

The carol birds slip in unannounced. Nobody sees them arrive. They hide behind the leaves at the top of the trees in the bush. I’ve never seen a carol bird. Maybe few people

The Secret Thrill of Getting Older

Many years ago, whenever I walked along the street followed by my gaggle of kids, people used to say, “You don’t look old enough to have that many children!” Of course, I

The Shaming Things People Say

She was so fat she couldn’t fit into a telephone box. How could anyone be that big? It didn’t seem possible. But it was. It was common knowledge. How did she feel?

What if Wrinkles Were Beautiful?

“What if people liked wrinkles?” I say to my girls. “What if wrinkles were thought to be beautiful? If I looked in the mirror and discovered a new line, I’d smile and

One Day at a Time

I open my eyes, and I immediately realise that nothing has changed overnight. There is still a huge ache in my chest, and one all-consuming thought in my mind: Thomas. Although it

Music, Funerals and Tears

From my diary: 19th March This morning at Mass, the first hymn was On Eagle’s Wings, which was the hymn we sang at Thomas’ funeral, as we processed to his burial site.
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About Me

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Hi, I’m Sue Elvis!

I'm an Australian author and blogger.

I’m writing the stories of my life, searching for meaning and hidden delights.

I have lots of questions I want to explore such as:

Are we more than mothers and wives?

What do we do when our kids grow and no longer need us?

How do we age gracefully and keep our sparkle?

Can I really let go of my unschooling blog?

Will anyone read my Wholy Souly posts?

Will we become friends?

Will we encourage and help each other to become the people God created us to be?

As well as pondering the big questions of life, I love sharing books, creative ideas and anything else that comes into my Catholic mind!

My children’s novels

My unschooling books

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