Sticky Fingertips

October 21, 2024

As I exit the car, the tree attacks me. It grips and twists my hair with its sticky fingertips. It pokes me sharply in my ribs.

“Could you have parked any closer to the tree?” I ask my husband, who’s sliding out of his seat on the tree-free side of the car.

I reclaim my hair, step back and look up. The tree holds out its flower-crowded arms before my eyes, silencing my complaints, my moaning.

I gaze at a million pale pink petals, captivated by their exquisite, abundant beauty.

Andy calls. He holds out his hand and pulls me away from my tree. And, suddenly, the magic shatters. Sadness invades my joy.

As I walk away, time that stood still for just a moment grips the tree once more. It pokes its sticky fingertips into the rose-like flowers, leaving grubby prints upon the petals.

Tomorrow, the day after, next week, the tree will hold out its brown blotched blooms for me to see.

Spring blossoms age.

Seasons change.

Some delights are fleeting.



  1. Oooh…I love this, Sue! What a wonderful recollection of a fleeting moment, at first a seeming nuisance of an interruption that became a beautiful memory.

    • Thank you, Staci,

      The tree I photographed is one of many that line both sides of the road in town where our church is. Tree after tree of gorgeous blooms! I took the photo, and then only a week later – last Sunday – I noticed the blooms are turning brown. I wanted the delight to last longer. But as you said, I have a beautiful memory. I will have to look for a new delight!

      I wonder what delights you’re experiencing at the moment. Are you moving from summer into autumn? Do you have beautiful leaf colours to enjoy? 🩷

  2. I love this. What a beautiful beautiful picture. I absolutely love flowers in fact even though I’m not a gardener and I can’t grow them, every top that I wear has a flower print to it!

    • Nancy,

      Thank you for sharing my delightful moment!

      I also love flowers though, like you, I’m not a gardener. I enjoy other people’s gardens. And I love flower prints, too! Most of my dresses are made from floral fabrics. I wonder if you have a favourite flower. I prefer Australian natives like proteas and wattles, but I also like roses and dahlias. I just bought a ‘wild rose’ print dress. It’s gorgeous!

      I hope all is well with you and your family. 💛

      • I don’t know if I even have a favorite flower I just love all of them. I think Gerber daisies are very pretty. But really I love them all. Your dress sounds beautiful! Family is doing pretty well. I hope your family is doing well also.

        • Nancy,

          Maybe all flowers are your favourites! Flowers are like children. They can each be our favourite for a different reason.

          I love the sculptural mathematical elegance of dahlias. Agapanthus flowers signal that Christmas isn’t far away. We have a big display of them in our front garden. Occasionally, they appear in the bush which isn’t good because they’re not native plants. However, I admire their rebellious nature. Hydrangeas make me feel proud because soon I’ll have a stunning bush covered with blue flowers, despite my lack of gardening skills! Roses remind me of love and the rosary. And they’re on my new dress as I mentioned before!

          I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. 💜

  3. What a lovely photo, Sue!
    It inspired me to write this little poem 🙂

    Little pink cherubic faces
    Eyes closed
    Emerge into the world
    Joining the choir
    Of heavenly voices
    Singing beauty
    Into our hearts
    As we walk by

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